REBIRTH // or to fall into infinity.
To impart the feeling of the toad is impossible. In words in any case, save to say that it is like dying and then slowly being reborn again. It’s powerful and deeply expansive, fulfilling and eradicating all at once. In being torn from the body, you have this brief moment of dissolution, a fall, a collapse into a larger awareness and in it bear witness to the the active hand of creation- the scorching light of all that is- felt for a moment, an instant, an eternity before waking up in your body again. Whilst the actual experience of it is not something that can be described, this video does try to evoke some of the feeling of it. Of falling back, of being torn apart, of searing into an eternal, celestial infinity, and seeing it all in this singular, radiant moment of encompassing truth. A place or state or a dream where we are more like stars and galaxies and the vastness of space, than our problems and fears and dogmatic views. It’s like the countless lenses placed upon each other that refract infinity into this thing we call "my life" are momentarily lifted, and offer a glimpse at the underlying machinery and in that gap we can see that death, whilst pressing and felt, does not exist, that we are a part of a larger dance than this, that we are One in ways so interwoven it’s hard to believe, and that God is very real- a raging holy fire and us but it’s sparks- here for a moment in a fleeting, cosmic choreography, our lives but music. And under it all, coursing outwards, a singular humming chord, eschewing forth, forming the world into Now and Now and Now, an unbroken thread from that first moment of creation, is love. It’s all love. That is perhaps the only thing I know to be true.